Live Die Respawn

The Beginning

Live Die Respawn

Live Die Respawn began as an idea a few years ago when I originally bought the domain. I had never made a website before; I just really liked the name and bought it before anyone else could. But back then, I didn't have the patience nor the knowledge to start a blog so I let it sit for a while.

I got my first computer back in 2002 and after talking to a few of my friends, they told me I needed to download the game Runescape. I played that for a while, and then Diablo II and eventually World of Warcraft.

I didn't know what I wanted to do in life up until a few years ago. I've always loved video games and in the back of my mind I wanted to make my own but things got in the way of that. Eventually, in 2021 my passion for computers made me realize I wanted to become a computer programmer. I wasn't sure how to start so I started researching online until I found out about the language Python and the wonderful book Python Crash Course, which I found at a local Amazon book store (before they closed them all down).

I started working through tutorials and making projects until I got into web development. After that I learned the MERN stack and started making websites as projects. And then on January 1st, 2024 I downloaded the Godot engine and slowly started learning game development.

After I started to feel comfortable I began working on my dream game which started mid February. But my overall lack of experience with Godot started to draw things out and I decided to take a step back and work on smaller projects.

Currently, I'm working on Pong which is one of the first games I ever played back in the '90s. After I began working on it, I thought how cool would it be if I brought my Live Die Respawn blog to life and start documenting my game dev journey. After thinking about it some more, I figured why stop at just documenting my own game dev journey and document others as well?

Over the past few days I've been sending dozens of messages back and forth with people trying to get my blog up and running. It's put my Pong project on hold but only temporary until I get everything on my blog sorted out. So stay tuned, for in the coming weeks there will be more dev journeys, including my own.